Transcribed and modified the intro and first verse of a bhangra song I like a lot, Gidheh Vich Nach by Gurbhej Brar (2012). The pic is a much younger me playing with my sister and sister-in-law (then sister-out-law) at my other sister’s wedding. Seemed fitting. Oh, in the arrangement, I have “trumpet” sound subbing in […]
Month: June 2017

[Song] It’s You I Like (Mister Rogers)
This is one of my favorite songs – I often close with it unaccompanied when I perform as a thank you and heart-booster for the audiences (and me, let’s be honest here). I’ve been meaning to arrange it for 4 parts for a while and finally got around to it. Decided to go for a […]

[Interview] T & me on The Queer Life radio show
Kaiya Kramer interviewed T and me for KBBF (89.1 FM Calistoga) about Man2man exactly one year ago, and I just remembered about it. Fun to look back at where I was a year ago and how I was describing the work then! Check out the interview here. : )

[Song] Contract On Your Soul
Found some lyrics for a metal song in one of my notebooks from January and decided to spend a few hours making music to go along with it. Here’s the fruit of tonight’s adventure: And the intended lyrics: Cash in on your faded life Father nature’s sacrifice Pay the devil with your blood You’re not […]