Here’s the second video from the PWNCares campaign, all about the keystone in fighting the HIV epidemic: Undetectable = Untransmittable. Teaser: Full video:
Category: activism

[Video] Positive Women’s Network members on Healthy Relationships
Positive Women’s Network, one of my favorite organizations, is working with their members on an educational campaign called PWNCares. I was lucky enough to link up with them to edit videos for the campaign. They had a videographer record interviews in September and we just released the first video. There were some challenges with the […]

[Interview] T & me on The Queer Life radio show
Kaiya Kramer interviewed T and me for KBBF (89.1 FM Calistoga) about Man2man exactly one year ago, and I just remembered about it. Fun to look back at where I was a year ago and how I was describing the work then! Check out the interview here. : )

Underdoggery: can we get over it?
Don’t get me started on the ‘organized’ response to Prop 8. Or Carrie Prejean. Or Amazonfail. But all of these kerfuffles taken together seem to be the start of a dangerous, if annoying, phenomenon. It’s that LGBT folks are squandering the media attention, social space, and otherwise opportunity to be proactive in our post-Bush happyfuntimes. […]

Hello Information-Oriented Universe!
I am currently a Master’s student in the School of Information at the University of Michigan. I’m specializing in Library & Information Services, and I’m particularly interested in community information/informatics, from a people-focused perspective. But before I got here, I did a bit of organizational consulting for a queer South Asian community/activist group in Southern […]