This is the do-over for the 3rd video in the HHS comments campaign for NCTE. Working on not overwhelming the viewer with too much movement. There are definitely things I could still sand and polish about this, but I think the feel comes through and the message gets across. Balancing time and details. PSA spot: […]
Category: film

(rejected) PSA spot: National Center for Transgender Equality HHS Comments
Intended to be third of three PSAs for NCTE, but the tone wasn’t right so I redid it (next vid). This one might be my favorite, though I feel that way about each one right after I finish. I think that’s a good sign. First time using the green screen! I’m pretty happy with how […]

[video] PSA spot: National Center for Transgender Equality HHS Comments (2 of 3)
Second of three PSAs for NCTE – this one showing movement from sadness to action. So grateful to T and Jenna for agreeing on short notice to star in the videos! PSA spot: National Center for Transgender Equality HHS Comments (2 of 3) from anand jay kalra on Vimeo.

[video] PSA spot: National Center for Transgender Equality HHS Comments (1 of 3)
Got a call from a person I used to work with saying their comms person was out for a couple weeks and they needed someone to help them put together some videos for a short-run campaign to get people to submit public comments about the importance of safe healthcare. The Trump Administration is trying to […]

[Video] PWNCares: UequalsU
Here’s the second video from the PWNCares campaign, all about the keystone in fighting the HIV epidemic: Undetectable = Untransmittable. Teaser: Full video:

[Video] Positive Women’s Network members on Healthy Relationships
Positive Women’s Network, one of my favorite organizations, is working with their members on an educational campaign called PWNCares. I was lucky enough to link up with them to edit videos for the campaign. They had a videographer record interviews in September and we just released the first video. There were some challenges with the […]

[Video] Ribbon Consulting
I’ve been doing some more video production this year, building on relationships with folks I’m working with through an HIV advocacy training I’ve been co-facilitating as part of my consulting work for Transgender Law Center. Here’s a video I made for two incredible leaders I met through the program. Linda Scruggs and Vanessa Johnson are […]

[News] Call and Response: Official Selection, San Francisco Transgender Film Festival
My short film, Call and Response, screened at the San Francisco Transgender Film Festival last weekend! Here’s a description of the film, and an excerpt from the spotlight interview the SFTFF folks were gracious enough to conduct. Description: This film is a dialogue between multiple threads in the filmmaker’s life — family and friends, old […]