palm with bag of fake diamonds

[Song] It’s You I Like (Mister Rogers)

This is one of my favorite songs – I often close with it unaccompanied when I perform as a thank you and heart-booster for the audiences (and me, let’s be honest here). I’ve been meaning to arrange it for 4 parts for a while and finally got around to it. Decided to go for a saxophone quartet sound – many fond memories of my sister and her sax buddies playing Stan Kenton numbers in high school. Was pleasantly surprised to hear the quality of the synthetic saxophones from the MuseScore library (that’s what you’re hearing – no reeds were harmed in the making of this track).

Here it is:


It’s you I like–
it’s not the clothes you wear.
it’s not the way you do your hair,
but it’s you I like.

The way you are right now,
the way down deep inside you,
not the things that hide you.
Not your toys–
they’re just beside you.

But it’s you I like.
Every part of you:
your skin
your eyes
your feelings,
whether old or new.

I hope that you’ll remember
even when you’re feeling blue
that it’s you I like,
it’s you, yourself,
it’s you I like.

By the way, if you and your buddies are sitting around wishing you had some new sheet music to play and record, I’d be happy to send the transcription your way. 🙂


artist (music/poetry/film) with a day job (non-profit finance/operations) in the bay area.

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