Been experimenting on lunch breaks with some different sounds. Here’s one from Monday, a waltz in 6/8 with bassoons on the oom-pa-pas and a fun outer space electronic synthesizer for the melody. AABA form. Made at Ike’s love and sanwiches in Emeryville on Monday before therapy appointment. And here’s one from a couple weeks […]
Category: art

[Video] PSA spot: National Center for Transgender Equality HHS Comments (3 of 3)
This is the do-over for the 3rd video in the HHS comments campaign for NCTE. Working on not overwhelming the viewer with too much movement. There are definitely things I could still sand and polish about this, but I think the feel comes through and the message gets across. Balancing time and details. PSA spot: […]

(rejected) PSA spot: National Center for Transgender Equality HHS Comments
Intended to be third of three PSAs for NCTE, but the tone wasn’t right so I redid it (next vid). This one might be my favorite, though I feel that way about each one right after I finish. I think that’s a good sign. First time using the green screen! I’m pretty happy with how […]

[video] PSA spot: National Center for Transgender Equality HHS Comments (2 of 3)
Second of three PSAs for NCTE – this one showing movement from sadness to action. So grateful to T and Jenna for agreeing on short notice to star in the videos! PSA spot: National Center for Transgender Equality HHS Comments (2 of 3) from anand jay kalra on Vimeo.

[video] PSA spot: National Center for Transgender Equality HHS Comments (1 of 3)
Got a call from a person I used to work with saying their comms person was out for a couple weeks and they needed someone to help them put together some videos for a short-run campaign to get people to submit public comments about the importance of safe healthcare. The Trump Administration is trying to […]

[music] fresh roots (peppy 12-bar indolatin jazz in 7/8 time in F minor)
fleshed out the theme i was playing with the other day (previous post) – feels nice to have a complete song in the middle of a lot of other drafts! fun 7/8 groove in F minor. orchestrated with rhodes organ, timbales, drumset, 2 trumpet parts, 2 trombone parts, and tenor sax. includes 12-bar rhodes solo […]

[music] new track – fresh roots
bass line was in my head while i was brushing my teeth this morning. figured it out on the piano, then transcribed it on a work break. wrote out the rest of it in musescore after work wednesday night, balanced and mixed, exported mp3, and polished off by experimenting with audacity reverb effects. i’m not […]

[Sketch] Lesbian Warrior Princess Queens
Here’s a sketch I wrote for my sister’s wedding in 2015; we performed it live at their reception, with projector showing slides with images that my good friend and brilliant visual artist Chelsey Banks made. See selected slides at bottom of this post. 🙂 Sketch: Lesbian Warrior Princess Queens (action figure commercial) [music cue for […]

[Video] PWNCares: UequalsU
Here’s the second video from the PWNCares campaign, all about the keystone in fighting the HIV epidemic: Undetectable = Untransmittable. Teaser: Full video:

[Video] Positive Women’s Network members on Healthy Relationships
Positive Women’s Network, one of my favorite organizations, is working with their members on an educational campaign called PWNCares. I was lucky enough to link up with them to edit videos for the campaign. They had a videographer record interviews in September and we just released the first video. There were some challenges with the […]