I’ve been doing some more video production this year, building on relationships with folks I’m working with through an HIV advocacy training I’ve been co-facilitating as part of my consulting work for Transgender Law Center. Here’s a video I made for two incredible leaders I met through the program. Linda Scruggs and Vanessa Johnson are […]
Category: art

[Song] Gidheh Vich Nach
Transcribed and modified the intro and first verse of a bhangra song I like a lot, Gidheh Vich Nach by Gurbhej Brar (2012). The pic is a much younger me playing with my sister and sister-in-law (then sister-out-law) at my other sister’s wedding. Seemed fitting. Oh, in the arrangement, I have “trumpet” sound subbing in […]

[Song] It’s You I Like (Mister Rogers)
This is one of my favorite songs – I often close with it unaccompanied when I perform as a thank you and heart-booster for the audiences (and me, let’s be honest here). I’ve been meaning to arrange it for 4 parts for a while and finally got around to it. Decided to go for a […]

[Interview] T & me on The Queer Life radio show
Kaiya Kramer interviewed T and me for KBBF (89.1 FM Calistoga) about Man2man exactly one year ago, and I just remembered about it. Fun to look back at where I was a year ago and how I was describing the work then! Check out the interview here. : )

[Song] Contract On Your Soul
Found some lyrics for a metal song in one of my notebooks from January and decided to spend a few hours making music to go along with it. Here’s the fruit of tonight’s adventure: And the intended lyrics: Cash in on your faded life Father nature’s sacrifice Pay the devil with your blood You’re not […]

[Personal Essay] Depression: Letting it in and sitting it down
One quiet summer night at the UM graduate library reference desk, I abandoned my post to retrieve The Encyclopedia of Death and Dying, whose record I had just discovered in the online catalog. Flipping through it, I happened upon the entry for Depression, and realized that until then, I had only understood symptoms of and […]

[News] Call and Response: Official Selection, San Francisco Transgender Film Festival
My short film, Call and Response, screened at the San Francisco Transgender Film Festival last weekend! Here’s a description of the film, and an excerpt from the spotlight interview the SFTFF folks were gracious enough to conduct. Description: This film is a dialogue between multiple threads in the filmmaker’s life — family and friends, old […]

Fighting fascism in America: post-election edition
Okay, people. I spent a good part of my weekend reading up on authoritarian governments in the 20th and 21st century, and got a little ways into studying their corresponding resistance movements. One thing I feel pretty sure about now is that we DON’T need unity. Not even on the left. Not even among people […]

Heart, hope, hate
Dear everybody reading this, Hugs. Ouch. Bigger hugs. Last Monday I took my goals charts off the walls of my bedroom, so I could paint them the delightful shade of brown you see behind me (photo below). Since Tuesday, I haven’t had the heart to put them back up. Today I’m taking my time and […]

At the center of Tahrir Square was a dance party.
When I was 10, I wrote 3 chapters of a novella called “Hot Today, Gone Tomorrow.” The story is about a group of neighbors in an apartment building who are forced to huddle up together when a homophobic neo-nazi invasion force occupies the country. I’ve been thinking about that story so much the last few […]